The government will take two seats on ING's supervisory board. 政府将在荷兰国际集团的监事会中获得两个席位。
The bank has apologised to Mr Herr-mann, who is no longer on the supervisory board. 该行已向目前已从监事会离任的赫尔曼致歉。
Employee representatives control half the seats on the 20-member supervisory board which decides executive appointments. 员工代表控制着由20人组成的监事会的半数席位,监事会决定行政任命。
They are also the two most powerful members of the VW supervisory board. 他们也是大众监事会最有影响力的两名成员。
The supervisory board may ask directors, managers, internal auditing personnel and external auditing personnel to attend the meetings of supervisory board and to answer the questions that the supervisory board is concerned with. 监事会可要求公司董事、经理、内部及外部审计人员出席监事会会议,回答所关注的问题。
The supervisory board may independently hire intermediary institutions to provide professional opinions. 监事会可以独立聘请中介机构提供专业意见。
The merged company would also have a British-style unitary board rather than a supervisory board of non-executives overseeing a management board of executives as is common in continental Europe. 合并后的银行将采取单一懂事会,而不是目前欧洲比较流行的监事会监管执行董事会的结构。
A Grey-Correlated Analysis of Critical Influencing Factors on Supervisory Board's Governance 监事会治理影响要因的灰色关联分析
We have a letter of intent that is subject to supervisory board approval to build small cars in China, Chrysler said. 克莱斯勒表示:我们已经达成在中国生产小型轿车的意向书,正等待董事会的批准。
But the supervisory board, called the Board of Governors, is a government agency responsible to the Congress. 但是他被称为“总裁理事会”的具有监督作用的理事会是一个政府机构,它向国会负责。
Minutes shall be drafted for the meetings of the supervisory board, which shall be signed by the supervisors that attended the meetings and the person who drafted the minutes. 监事会会议应有记录,出席会议的监事和记录人应当在会议记录上签字。
Minutes of the meetings of the supervisory board shall be properly maintained and stored as important records of the company. 监事会会议记录应作为公司重要档案妥善保存。
The supervisory board of a listed company shall be accountable to all shareholders. 上市公司监事会应向全体股东负责。
China and foreign enterprise supervisory board's comparison research& on China SOE supervisory board's reform 中外企业监事会比较研究&兼论我国国有企业监事会之改革
The company released a statement late on Saturday saying its supervisory board would on Wednesday decide on the early departure of the president and CEO. 西门子上周六晚间发表声明称,公司监事会将于周三就总裁兼首席执行官的提前离职做出决定。
The Supervisory Board felt the same way and approved additional funds for further models and vehicle derivatives. 而且,监理会也有同感,他们同意拨款资助我们构建更多模型、开发汽车衍生品。
Moreover the state of Lower Saxony owns 18.2% and its premier sits on the supervisory board. 此外下萨克森州持有大众18.2%的股份,州长位列公司监事会。
It is also essential that the members of the supervisory board always act independently of special interests. 这亦是至关重要的是,成员的监事会一直独立行事的特殊利益。
Mr Plattner, to whom the supervisory board has just entrusted a strong role advising about technology and innovation, vowed to push the company back on track. 普拉特纳发誓要推动公司重返正轨。SAP监事会刚刚授予普拉特纳一个强大的角色,将提供技术和创新方面的建议。
The board of directors and the supervisory board shall report to the shareholder meetings the performance of the directors and the supervisors, the results of the assessment of their work and their compensation, and shall disclose such information. 董事会、监事会应当向股东大会报告董事、监事履行职责的情况、绩效评价结果及其薪酬情况,并予以披露。
He has apparently insisted on keeping a role at Veolia after he steps down as chief executive, such as chairman of the supervisory board. 一来他昭然坚持要威立雅在他辞去首席执行官一职后为他留一个位置,比如监事会主席;
He has also retained close ties with German industry and still serves on the supervisory board of ThyssenKrupp, the steel company. 他还与德国工业保持着紧密联系,并仍担任钢铁公司蒂森克虏伯(thyssenkrupp)的监事会成员。
Research on the Effectiveness of the Supervisory Board Based on the Non-standard Audit Opinion 基于非标审计意见的监事会有效性研究
The prosecutors said they had not found evidence of an involvement of top management or supervisory board members in the spying scandal that rocked Germany's largest bank. 检察人员表示,他们没有发现德银高管或监事会成员涉足这起间谍丑闻的证据。该丑闻对这家德国最大的银行构成了沉重打击。
When the supervisory board learns of any violation of laws, regulations or the company's articles of association by directors, managers or other senior management personnel. 监事会发现董事、经理和其他高级管理人员存在违反法律、法规或公司章程的行为。
Deutsche Bank has acknowledged it used detectives to carry out surveillance of Gerald Herr-mann, a union-affiliated supervisory board member, after suspecting him of leaks in 2001. 德意志银行已经承认,曾聘用侦探对工会附属的监事会成员杰拉德赫尔曼(GeraldHerr-mann)进行监控,该行怀疑赫尔曼与2001年的泄密事件有关。
If for any reason a supervisory board meeting cannot be convened as scheduled, an explanation shall be publicly announced. 监事会会议因故不能如期召开,应公告说明原因。
Ensuring a competent and independent audit is an essential part of the supervisory board's work. 确保一个称职的和独立的审计是一个不可或缺的部分,监事会的工作。